We planned a fun day for Addison's birthday, but the day had plans of it's own... we got snowed in by a blizzard (yuck), with Addi's cousins all stuck in Salt Lake and us in Provo. So, we got pizza and cake and stayed in... hey, Addi won't know the difference, right?
LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of my girl.
When we lit the candle and sang to her she burst into tears.
She wanted NOTHING to do with the cake we got for her to tear into herself- would not even put a finger in the frosting. Oh well.
She kept putting her head down on the carpet like she was embarassed while everyone was staring at her and she was supposed to be opening her presents.
Poor kid, will always have her birthday banner hung by the 'chimney with care' in front of the stockings. I was sure to use no Christmas wrap though!
Uh, anyone claim these two little elves?? Huh? Addison's Mimi & Grandma showed up at the party as twins. Cute guys.