Sunday, June 14, 2009

Call Family

It was our first Call Family Reunion...we met in the middle in Kansas City, Kansas and spent a week just hanging out and having fun.

cute farm... feeding goats

Addi with Opa

fishing at the farm

Did I mention it RAINED? No complaints from me, it bought us two extra days there due to flight cancellations. We did lots of indoor things on rainy days...
games and rides

um, there's only one wheel?

Jeanie ROCKED at this pounding game, and the girls got MANY tickets because of it!

first sucker

Hallmark Center, downtown

swimming- what a cute bum!!

mini golf

Addi's spot on the plane ride, at my feet...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Utah Peeps

... came to visit! First, these ladies showed up:

followed by these three:

and we celebrated this one's 30th birthday (at Disneyland of course)!
My sis and I were playing with my camera a lot during their visit and there are soooooo many pics I didn't even know where to start so far as posting just a few.

beach time...

Irvine Reg Park
Train ride

secret sister handshake..

play ground

crazy flower marching band

and a little naked time! Uh, for the three and under crowd only. Kimberley, please put your shirt back on...

We wish you all lived here!!!