Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sound familar?

I have never related to a blog post more... I was laughing until my stomach hurt. Then right at the end... bam, reduced to tears! This girl is generally very witty, and I love her blog. She also happens to be NieNie's sister, so I guess I'm just obsessed with the whole family.
Anyway, this is a must read if you're a Mama, and really a must read on one of 'those' trying days (weeks, months, whatever)! Read here
Except this is what is currently on MY fridge:

Just what is needed to bring you back to reality! A tiny scribbled on hand out from nursery. So simple, but so powerful.
This week was a little rough as I've been trying some 'sleep training' with Addison. Yes, my two year old who still wakes up every night (at least once, sometimes twice), calls me and asks to be rocked while begging for juice. We usually just do water at bedtime, after we've brushed. During the night however, my resolve is weak and I'm usually much less concerned about tooth rot and more concerned about sleep deprivation. I've decided two years of interrupted sleep is enough already. For both of us. So I decided no more getting up, and no more middle of the night sippy's of juice. And for the record, she's still winning... I give up at 4:15am, after THREE hours of crying. Oh yes I do. There is still rocking and juice and plenty of crying, by all parties involved.
After sleep training I think I'll tackle hitting/anger management, and then our three meals a day obsession with Ramen noodles. One issue at a time, right?!

p.s. we are in escrow! cross your fingers and knock on wood...we'll be moving to Rancho Santa Margarita in February!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear Grandma,

I love love love love love my new tutu!! Thanks a bunch, you're the best. XO~ Addison

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Uninvited House Guest....

Dear Flu, while we've loooooooooved having you......seriously, it's time to go! Addison had the flu for 7, yes SEVEN, days. Poor kiddo! She was so pathetic.
And let's not forget me. Yah, I said me.... I probably shouldn't be thinking of myself while my child is beyond miserable, but I truly can't stomach one more crib full of vomit at 2am, anymore diarrhea diapers (I have an idea for you Pampers... 'sick day diapers,' that truly hold a runny load), keeping up with load after load of pukey laundry, or enduring sad sad late night trips to the ER due to dehydration.
ADIOS NASTY FLU, WE'LL SEE YA NEXT YEAR (or skip us next time, why don't ya?)!!!!!!!