Saturday, May 22, 2010

Out with the old...

You know the saying, in with the a NEW home with a new address in a new neighborhood-we love it so far! Adios condo/apt dwelling, we don't miss you at all!! Seven weeks (and counting) with no kitchen is a bit old, but as I write this I'm just a couple days from having that remedied. How many things can you think of to make that require no refrigeration and can be cooked in a mini microwave (that you'd actually want to call a meal)? There has been a lot of peanut butter & jelly and 'Donalds I tell you.
Anyway, we bought a house in Rancho Santa Margarita and have been remodeling it. And it is everything people say... more $$ than you think, longer than you think and harder to live in than you think. That said, it's finally coming together! I'm not quite ready to post before and after pics just yet, but they're not too far off. Thank you to my incredibly talented and hard working brother-in-law, Tony, who has been our contractor.
This one has a NEW hobby ... mighty cute!

And what are you doing for Halloween this year? Why you may ask? Our plans include snuggling a NEWBORN about then. Like I said... a lot of NEW is going around here.
*Not to mention my sister is due just five days after me, so this one will have a NEW cousin to buddy up to. Congrats Kimmy :)