Thursday, March 13, 2008

Like the Deserts Miss the Rain...

I miss you Grey's Anatomy. I NEED some new episodes of McDreamy and Meredith, George and Izzy, Bailey, Sloan, Callie, Alex, etc. etc. etc. Thursday nights just aren't the same. I mean, I had fun tonight packing food storage cans at Enrichment (let's face it, that will have to be some emergency for me to down the powdered milk and vienna sausages I just packed away that promise to be good for the next five years) , but come on. Thank goodness this writers strike is over! Private Practice and The Office too, I look forward to your speedy return...


J-Dawg said...

Come on Lisa, you know you are just itching to open that can of wiennies. I wish that I had a chance to chat more with you on Thursday night. I hope that you returned home to find that sweet Addi and your dear husband were doing just fine. See you tomorrow!

Kristen said...

hi lis! welcome to the blogging world. i miss you, and your spin on life. i'm in stake r.s. and we are doing a training on provident living which includes food storage. yuck. i thought adam's cans of food storage were paint until we were moving and his dad asked me if our landlord was mormon. (the cans of "paint"/ food storage were in our garage and the landlord stored stuff in there too) i said no, and asked why he asked me that. he then said something about food storage being a mormon thing and then i looked down at "wheat" and realized it wasn't a color of paint!!! i had to laugh when claire walked up, moments later, and asked who's "paint" that was. shows how much we know about food storage!!! sorry for the novel. miss you girl.

byers babes said...

Yes! I hear you! Where are you McDreamy?? I did get a nice dosage of Dempsey when I bought Enchanted today. Sigh . . . when I told Kelly I loved him she said, "But what about Daddy?"