Tuesday, May 20, 2008

FiVe MoNtHs oLd!!!!!!

On one hand I can't believe Addison is already five months old, and on the other hand it seems like we've had her forever. Addison, aka.....Addi, Ads, Adster, Monkey, Monks, Monkison, Sweetheart, Sweet Pea, Cutie, Tiny, Tiny Angel, Baby Girl, Miss, Missy, Munchkin, Little Lyndon or LL (the kid is an exact replica of her dad), Princess, Sis, Sunshine, AddiElle and Addi-my-Addi.
Our little girl is growing up! Addison has mastered rolling over both ways so can now maneuver her way around a bit, she eats in her new big girl high chair, is sleeping between four and five hours at night (I know that may not sound great, but it's a major improvement and I'll take it), she can prop herself up on her arms, can put her binky in her mouth herself, she sucks her thumb, and more than her thumb she loves to suck her toes, she can sit up by herself... not for too long without tipping over but it's a start, she is constantly smiling and laughing, she eats anything and everything... thank goodness for the sanitizer, she likes: toys-she likes empty water bottles and the remote just as much as any toy though, books, Baby Einsteins, being outside, walks around the lake, being in the Bjorn, Peek-a-Boo, bath time, to enthusiastically kick her legs (coupled with bath time this one is even better for her), attention of any kind and being cuddled.
She is an overall JOY in our lives and we can't remember what we did without her... here are a few pics of our big girl!

"Of all nature's gifts to the human race, what is sweeter to a man than his children?"


Emily Fotheringham said...

Lisa-She is a doll! You can tell from the pictures that she has such a sunny disposition.

kim said...

I am so in love with this girl! I'm SOOO sad I don't get to kiss her sweet face, change her diapers, play games with her, or hear her babbling noises on at least a weekly basis. I hope I can be 1/2 the Auntie to Addi as Lisa has been to my princesses. Their Auntie walks on water! So Lisa, when are you coming back to Utah?!?

Anonymous said...

AAAW!! She is such a CUTIE PIE!

Lezlie said...

LISA!!!! I can;t believe how freaking big.. and cute Addi is these days... I miss you so much Lisa... We have to catch up soon!

byers babes said...

She is the cutest!!! I love her! I love that she is perfect and I've never ever heard her cry since she was a wee bern. I bet she never cries, right? You got one of those, huh?

Erin said...

This little girl is completely adorable!