Monday, August 10, 2009

Loads of fun

Addi and I have been home bound for over a week now-Addi with croup and me with a cold and sinus infection. Is there anything more fun than a sick and cranky one and a half year old?? We've spent time at the Dr., and time in bed, and plenty of time doing 'inside' stuff- we're going stir crazy! Our collective stash of meds===>
Oh, and when A's cough was really bad we had to go in the bathroom and turn on the shower and have her sit in the steam, so I'd do puzzles in there with her on the floor... now she thinks that is the best play place ever and she hauls all her puzzles in there. YUK.
Far worse than that though...Addi has officially hit the TERRIBLE TWO'S. This is no joke... it's TERRIBLE. As a first time Mom, I kind of thought this is something that was exaggerated. Oh my, it's like a switch, and she swings into full blown meltdown mode about ten times a day now. Her shenanigans include: throwing herself down on the ground, crying- with actual tears, kicking, screaming at the top of her lungs, throwing anything she can get her hands on, biting, hitting (she will bite or hit me if I'm within reach, but funny enough she'll bite or hit HERSELF too), and my favorite- she will go in her room and shut the door and tell me to go out when I try to come in. Jeez, just when I thought it might be time to cook up another little one.

But seriously how can you be upset with this face? Is it a coincidence God makes them so darn cute and loveable?

Another thing she's into? Doing EVERYTHING I do. She's my new little shadow/ helper. Here we are making banana bread (no worries, she licked AFTER we got the batter into the pans). I sure love this girl, I am just gearing up for a wild ride with her!


The blogging Bakers said...

That stinks that you guys are sick, when you are better you need to come down and hang out. My 18 month old is starting his tantrums as well. Super fun I must say:) Oh well at least they are cute right? I hope you guys find a house soon I know how stressful that is and I hope you feel better soon. We missed you at your moms the other night it was fun to see everyone.

Pyatt said...

Hey girl...hang in there...the tantrums stop when they graduate from high school...I'm kidding! We had so much fun at your mom's and her rice krispy treats are so TASTY!! I love those things...we missed you!

Charlie & Judy said...

We have missed you guys so much...Noah and Aly keep asking me where's Addi and Lisa!! I'm in your shoes now..Aly and I have pneumonia. Well..I guess we won't be seeing ya for another week! This stinks. Good luck house hunting...we are so excited you guys are staying in OC!