Friday, April 25, 2008

It's hard to be a baby sometimes!

The last couple weeks have been event filled for us... Addison had a bout with the stomach flu which led to two pediatrician visits and a night in the E.R. (poor kid, they had to give her a catheter to take a urine sample for some testing and then they gave her a shot to stop the vomiting). After the flu, something got off kilter and the girl didn't poop for five days, and we got to experience the joy of baby suppositories... tmi? I know, oh well I wish I didn't know about it either! As soon as we were past the poop sitch, we were hit with teething (two cute little guys on the bottom are peeking through)! Between all this and the transition from the bassinet to the big girl crib in her own room, and a bit of a growth spurt we have been getting up every hour and a half to two hours at night. WOW, talk about the cranky monster stopping by the Calls... and his mean cousin NO SLEEP. I'm painfully tired! BTW, does anyone else get really angry when their husbands say they are tired?? I mean, he's allowed to be tired, I just don't think he should ever tell ME about it :).
So imagine my delight at her four month check up this week when her Dr. told me to start feeding her rice cereal and baby food twice a day. I felt like it was Christmas Day and I was a kid... my gifts? The prospect of sleeping 8 hours or more and nursing less... YEEHAW! Giddy with what was to come, we went directly from his office to the closest Target where we bought all kinds of cute little bowls and spoons, along with cereal and every flavor of 1st stage baby food Gerber is putting out. Well, we don't always get what we want, now do we? Here are some fun facts I've been faced with:

*She doesn't like the food
*She doesn't like a spoon being put in her mouth
*She knows how to close her mouth, turn her head and bat her hands at the spoon making it darn near impossible to get anything in
*She doesn't sleep more!!!!!
*She doesn't nurse less!!!!
*My laundry loads just tripled, bringing food into the mix (though I'm getting smart, and stripping her down to her diaper during feeding time)
*One last fun fact... she doesn't like the food in her mouth, but she likes it even less when it ends up in her nose!
Okay, today is day four and the process is getting a little better each day. Even given all this, as I upload these cute pics of her eating I am just enamored, I LOVE this girl more than words!

The goods....
Peaches... not a hit!
But at least I'm cute
Now the applesauce... I'm not saying I like it,
but it's better than peaches and bananas!
Question: Are the shots more traumatic for the Mom or the baby??


Gaby said...

Lis - I am so sorry, but just glad it's not me. BTW - we were driving home from Utah and Sophia threw up all over the car. We weren't even half way home yet. Worst ever,

Unknown said...

she is just the cutest little thing ever. as much as i love her, i am so glad it is you that is deaing with all the fun. hard to fathom how inspite of all the work and exhaustion they just worm their way into your hearts! good luck with it all. love you.

DKAZ said...

I know every always said that 4 months was kind of a turning point, question was, was it a turn for the worse or better?

All those fun things and more to look forward to as they grow. Then you get to do it again and again with her little brothers and sisters! YAY!

Kristen said...

OH my gosh, so funny, because i can relate to every word you said!!! we've only started w/ rice cereal so far and are still using this special bottle to get it down. i know, i'm a whimp, but you gotta do what you can handle, right? i am hoping to get down to so. cal. soon and would love to see you. i will def. be coming in august but am considering coming end of may during adam's finals. i'll let you know!

Kristen said...

OH my gosh, so funny, because i can relate to every word you said!!! we've only started w/ rice cereal so far and are still using this special bottle to get it down. i know, i'm a whimp, but you gotta do what you can handle, right? i am hoping to get down to so. cal. soon and would love to see you. i will def. be coming in august but am considering coming end of may during adam's finals. i'll let you know!

kristy said...

Lisa, I love how your write, it's so true about the woes of babyhood! I'm so sorry you aren't sleeping though, that is awful awful. Seriously, the food transistion was the hardest for me and Rowan. He HATED baby food, all of it, wouldn't even eat the bananas. I got a great book called First Meals by Annabel Karmel. It takes so much time to make, but Rowan loved it. Something I did also was mash real bananas, squeeze an orange over them and sprinkle w/cinnamon... Babies LOVE it! My pediatrician told me about that and it worked like a charm. Hey, when kk comes in town, let's all get our babies together and do lunch, get lots of pix! PS having this baby on Saturday!!!! can't wait... i'm so over this pregnancy. love ya.

byers babes said...

Ugh - I cry everytime my kids get shots. It doesn't get easier. Love the food pics. Keep trying. She'll eventually like it. She has to. Unless you want her on the teet until she goes to kindergarten. btw - cool eating chair.