Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Obsession...

Have you tried PINKBERRY yet?? I've only been twice... but this stuff is awesome! They just have one flavor of yogurt, that is sort of sweet and tart and then you pick your toppings... I highly recommend fresh strawberries and Cap'n Crunch- a self claimed 'regular' told my friend about it, and it's very good. I had heard a lot of hype about Pinkberry and I think it's as delicious as they say (okay, what I heard was that it's as addicting as heroine, which I cannot vouch for). Side note, as I was searching for a picture from PB, I found all these articles saying Pinkberry is being sued because they won't disclose their ingredients, and it may not be frozen yogurt and/or that healthy- bummer, it may not be as healthy as they claim, but it's still yummy and a great change from Golden Spoon! They have locations here at The Spectrum, The District and Fashion Island.