That's what Addison's pediatrician said after entering the room, looking at her and reading the chart the nurse had just updated with the new stats at her six month check up. I'll give him some credit, she had on no clothes, just a diaper and no gender identifying bows or bracelets, so we'll forgive him.
She (he) is 17.1 lbs, in the 75% percentile for weight, and 26", in the 85% for height. If she (he) was going to be insulted or scarred by being called a heavy boy she (he) all but forgot about it by the time we left the office, due to the four shots they gave her (him).
And here's what we've been up to....
We spend a lot of time on this blankey playing with toys, reading books and watching Einsteins (okay, and enjoying the nearby air conditioning vent- dang it's been hot)
Addi is crawling. Should that make me sad... it does! And this is what I wake up to each morning :) Am I lucky or what?