Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nine Months

Nine months (and five days to be exact). Forty weeks ago today. That's 280 days, 6,720 hours, 403,200 minutes and 24,192,000 seconds... that Addi's been mine. Sigh. It's true love.
Why does it seem so much longer?? Maybe it's that you can't imagine your life or family without them once they've arrived, or maybe as a Mother you actually feel like you have a child as soon as you've peed on the test/heard their heartbeat/seen them on the ultrasound screen... so that was a year and a half ago.
Whatever it may be, this little princess is nine months old! Her personality is coming out more every day, and unbelievably it's even cuter than her sweet face! Love this girl. Adore might be a better word.
9 month stats: 18.5 lbs (50%), 27" (50%), cruising but not walking!


karen louise said...

OH my gosh!! She is getting so big...and looks just like a Porter:) SO darn cute!

Circuit Fam said...

Wow, you really did the math didnt you. 9 months is such an awesome age...goes by fast and slow huh? Some days last forever and then sometimes days last 100 hours. One thing is constant is that she is adorable and and has such a great fun mom, who I love!

Unknown said...

Good the blink of an eye our little Addi will be 1! gosh i wish we were closer. give lyndon a big hug for making it possible for you to stay at home with this little charmer. imagine not getting to be with her all day and give her what she needs at any given time. love you all.

Lezlie said...

Happy nine months mama!

Erin said...

You're right, she is a doll. I can understand your total adoration of her. Sweet girl.

DKAZ said...

That is a sweet little face! You are so right about feeling a total connection at the very start-it's amazing!

The Birth Control Pill said...

now that's a smile that can launch 1,000 ships.

Pyatt said...

She really is such a cute baby...we had breakfast with your cute mom and dad yesterday...we love your family soo much...Jill and I need to come up and visit!