Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Miss A was the cutest little owl you've ever seen, and Miss O was completely clueless as to what was going on, but was a cutie in her Peek-A-Boo ghost get up anyways.

Irvine Trunk or Treat... a complete bust; too many scary masks and a lack of private places to feed the babe. Oh well, next year!


Trick or Treat!


Charlie & Judy said...

The cutest owl I've ever seen!!!

Circuit Fam said...

Hey mama of two.....your lil owl is adorable!!!!! and the baby is not bad herself...How are you..Call me whenever you get 10 seconds....(so I'll hear from you in 6 months)

Kristen said...

soo cute!!! and you look so great and your house looks so clean! things are always so crazy after a new baby is born. i'm so happy for you.