Friday, October 30, 2009

sneak peek...

I know it's not quite Halloween... but here is a peek at our little monkey, dressed up tonight for Trunk or Treat. Oh my, she was cute. Too shy around others, but when alone she was shrieking monkey noises and gnawing on her pretend 'nana.

The costume was super padded, I didn't notice the tag say chunky monkey, but it should have...

She definitely didn't get the whole trick or treat thing, holding out your bucket, strangers dropping something in, etc. Plus, she doesn't like candy so we only hit up a few cars before I realized it was pointless.

These are Addison's besties...Aly & Noah (aka Minnie and a Power Ranger). She doesn't care where we're going, as long as they're going too! No, seriously.


karen louise said...

How dang darling!!!!

Remember our trick or treating days??

The blogging Bakers said...

What??? She doesn't like candy???How did you manage that one? I am a little nervous for tonight to have 4 loads of trick or treating candy in my house. I wish I didn't like candy!!! She looks so cute in that costume.

Kristen said...

Doesn't like candy??? Wow! How would that be? Ty wants to go trick or treating everyday now and asks for candy just before bed and first thing in the morning.....and every other minute of the day.