Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to You....

Happy Birthday Mom! To my Birthday Buddy. Wish I was there... we could share the spotlight and a chocolate cake with mint frosting! My Mom is AMAZING- she is kind and caring and creative and talented and funny and driven and hard working, amongst many other things. She has been my biggest cheerleader and she gave me opportunities to get where I am and be who I am today. LOVE YOU LADY!!!
Last year's b-day...


Wonderful Grandma!

This one LOVES Disneyland...

Does not like to get her hair wet

And loves Hawaii



Unknown said...

By george, I think you've got me pegged! Love, love, love the LA girl picture from YOUR birthday last year. Thank you for just being you and bringing Lyndon and Addi into my life. I love you all more than you will ever know. And you know - if mom says no, just call Grandma Betty! She was a great example to pattern after.

Emily Fotheringham said...

Happy birthday to Maureen, she is a great mom...and happy birthday to you!!! Do you remember Bridal Veil on your 17th birthday? We were trying to celebrate! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Bridal Veil just burned over july 24th and the cables were cut for safety reasons. It sold after the fire and the new owners want to build a resort of sorts at the top. Crazy. did your card come???

Pyatt said...

I love your mom too!! She is ALL of those things!! Please tell her Happy Birthday for me!!