Saturday, August 23, 2008


So, I got TAGGED by my cute friend Maria Pia.... FUN, I've never been tagged!!!


10 years ago I:
1. Was 21 (Oh I mean, um 15... since I'm only 25 now!)
2. Was living in Provo, UT- with my friend Marissa Beyers
3. Was attending BYU- they had closed my major and were offering each class one last time, so I was taking all Fashion Merch classes trying to get everything in
4. Was waiting tables at Outback
5. Had short short hair

5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Wrap and mail my Mom's birthday gifts
2. Go to Old Navy- as per a commercial I saw last night, today only all adult jeans are $12 bucks and kids jeans are $7... worth a peek
3. Frame a couple pics of Addi for Lyndon's office
4. Complete Primary agenda for September-assign talks, etc. (Primary Secretary)
5. Have some family fun!

5 snacks I enjoy: Anyone who knows me knows this will be hard for me to narrow to five, as I'm a complete treat addict
1. Baked Goods- can I lump them altogether? Cupcakes, Chocolate Croissants, Brownies, Cookies, Rice Krispy Treats
2. CHOCOLATE (good dark chocolate, Hershey Kisses, See's candy, Frango mints)
3. Frozen Yogurt/ Ice Cream
4. Doughnuts- total weakness :(
5. Pretzels at the mall
Honestly, I could keep going...Creme Brulee, Churros at Disneyland, Del Taco Quesadillas, Chips and Guac, (and there really are some healthier ones I enjoy in there-I just can't help that nothing even semi-healthy tops the list)

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Buy or build my dream house- I can think of a few beach front properties in Corona Del Mar I wouldn't mind living in!
2. Travel the World
3. Set up all relatives so they were taken care of- homes, retirement, etc.
4. Start/invest in a business now and retire young

5 places I have lived:
1. Orem, UT / Provo, UT (all the same right?)
2. Los Angeles, CA (when I was very young, 2-5 I think)
3. Honolulu, Hawaii (for six months in 2000)
4. Huntington Beach, CA (moved there after graduating in 2002)
5. Newport Beach, CA (in 2005, for a year with Lyndon)

Five jobs I have had:
1.Retail- JMR (total Utah throw back), Banana Republic, ZCMI, EDF (fragrance company)& Nordstrom
2.Server- Outback and Hardrock Cafe Honolulu
3.BYU Bookstore- sophomore year at BYU
4.Recruiter- post college, for accounting and finance... miserable. Do you know anyone that likes to cold call??
5.Events Manager (commercial real estate co)
(& the hardest job ever- MAMA...does a really rewarding job with no paycheck count?)

I tag...
Anyone who wants to play, and
1.Stacy Circuit
5.Lezlie Wagner(girl, you have GOT to update your blog more often :))

Each player answers the question themselves.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.


byers babes said...

I can appreciate the pretzels at the mall comment. Brooke is sitting with me watching your blog right now and when I scrolled down to your current read, she said, "Apple!" So, thanks for encouraging my baby to talk.

Lezlie Wagner said...

LISA! okay I know I have struggled with the blog thing. I came on JUST to look at yours because I missed you so much, but NOW i have to post a little something. AHHH narrowing the treats thing down is going to be a tough one!

Ashley said...

You are so funny. I am such a junkie too, although I try not to let myself be. The other day I made my girls lunch and grabbed a mint oreo to go put some laundry in while telling my girls they couldn't eat their cookie until they were done with their sandwiches! NICE!!

Circuit Fam said...

You should keep reading your book and don't waste you time tagging my ass! It ain't going to happen. Newborn, no sleep, I am lucky to shower. :) Love you!

The blogging Bakers said...

Alright check I posted my tag check it out.